Go away ... Nooo ... come back to my soul  by the well know romanian essayist Adrian Gabriel Dumitru






Yes ... we are illogical beings.

All we do is somehow ... contradictory.

We say we like pink ... but we choose black.

We say we are very courageous ... but we are afraid of anything is around us.

We say ... we never lie ... but we live a life ... totally dominated by lies.

We say ... a lot of things ... but we always end up ... proving the opposite.

But ... i smile.

Yes ... i smile ... cause I've understood long time ago ... the contradictions of my behaviour on the stage of life.

And my greatest evolution ... appeared when I've accepted all.

As normality.

For me ... and for everyone I've interacted with.

I was not anymore ... addicted to my old dogmatic way of seeing reality,

No ...

And ... it was funny ... seeing myself saying "Go away ...


Nooo ... come back to my soul... " to absolutely everyone which ... somehow i could not clearly define if i loved or hated.

All ... was the clear dominance of duality ... on my entire existence.


So ... all continued ... looking like a weird human being ... but being in fact so much ... like all the others.

Maybe the only difference between me and them ... was that i was not so blind anymore ... spiritually speaking ...




Download the book ”The KARMIC CHARADE

spiritual & philosophical essay” written by the writer Adrian Gabriel Dumitru for FREE.


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